Town of Dewey August 7, 2024 Town Board Meeting Minutes
2. All parties present were notified to silence cell phones and other devices.
3. Public Comment: Jim Bernecker asked about a sale of 36 acres to Erickson Commercial, LLC. It was discussed that his issue was more of one regarding zoning to discuss with the County. He also offered to build a frame to display some old documents related to the early days of the Township. He was thanked for his assistance. (After the meeting, the old documents were provided to him.) Bret Iverson noted that the new jail is a great facility. It was discussed that the jail is high tech, centralized and requires less staffing. 4. The Minutes of the July 9, 2024, meeting were approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. 5. The Treasurers’ report was read and, on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion, was approved. 6. The Financial review was conducted. 7. A letter from the Town Assessor declining to renew his contract was discussed. Other area assessors have been contacted via email. A letter will be sent too. The Board will address any responses at the October Board Meeting. 8. Freedom of Information Act requests were discussed. After reviewing the issue as well as the time and cost to deal with obtaining documents and information that FOIA request create, the Board set the hourly charge for such responses at $50/hour with a two hour as the base charge, which could be greater depending on the nature of the request. Crosby/Dahlstrom motion passed. 9. The budget and levy processes were discussed. The required meetings will be conducted in conjunction with the November Board Meeting. 10. Road Maintenance report by Mark Melton: The mower needed some parts that were hard to get, but mowing will begin again soon. Culvert replacement on Swiss Chalet Road will likely happen in June or July of 2025 with paving in 2026. Williams Road is scheduled to be paved in 2025. Water flow in the area was discussed. Gravel is needed on N. Bashaw Lake Road. It was discussed that some of the local gravel pits may be running out along with discussing costs of gravel. 11. Other Business: A question was asked whether the Town can hand out a survey to Town residents at the polling place during the presidential election. The clerk will check with the County Clerk about this question. 12. Monthly correspondence reviewed. 13. Approval of monthly expenditures. Dahlstrom/Crosby motion to approve checks #10559 to #10577 in the amount of $119,505.19. Motion carried. 14. September 10, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. was set for the next Board Meeting. 15. The Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. • Jim & Esther Bernecker, Rudy Kessler and Bret Iverson Comments are closed.
January 2025