NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN that a town board meeting for the Town of Dewey in the County of Burnett, State of Wisconsin, for transaction of business as is by law required or permitted to be transacted at said meeting, will be held at the Dewey Town Hall in said town on June 13, 2023. Agenda for said meeting is as followings and was posted one (1) day prior to meeting. AGENDA TOWN OF DEWEY BOARD MEETING June 13, 2023 1. Open Meeting 2. Read and approve minutes of the May 9, 2023 regular town board meeting 3. Read and approve treasurer’s report 4. Discuss and possible action on the loan for the mower – treasurer 5. Discuss and possible action on requests for Liquor License renewal for The Thirsty Minnow and Scenic Campground 6. Discuss and possible action to purchase bulk (700) stamps before price increase July 1 (.63 to .66) $21 savings 7. Discuss increasing the price of gravel for Dewey residents 8. Public comments 9. Road report by road supervisor 10. Review monthly correspondents 11. Approval of monthly expenditures (Motion to approve checks #10341-10357 for a total of $17,948.42) 12. Set date for July 2023 regular board meeting 13. Adjourn The above notice was posted in the following locations on 6/12/2023 Town website At the Town Hall Comments are closed.
January 2025