Town of Dewey January 9, 2024 Town Board Meeting Minutes
2. All parties present were notified to silence cellphones and other devices.
3. Public Comment: There was some brief discussion as to payment of the Town’s electric bill due to mail issues. Further discussion deferred to the agenda item related to this issue. 4. The Minutes of the December 12, 2024 meeting were approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. 5. The Treasurers’ report was read and, on a Dahlstrom/Johnson motion, was approved. 6. The Financial review was conducted. 7. Rezoning issue for Morris Holst. Property owner had inquired about the potential rezoning or other options for building a residence on a property zoned for exclusive Agriculture. Morris Holst was not present. Various options were discussed including the ability to rezone up to 5 acres of a 40-acre parcel with the remaining 35 acres staying as exclusive Ag, rezoning the property to two 20-acre forestry parcels, and rezoning part for a residence and the remainder to A-2 or something else (but this would take it out of exclusive Ag). Those present preferred the first of these listed options. The town does have veto power over the rezoning. Matter to be revisited if the property owner does take further action on any rezoning. 8. The Burnett County Comprehensive Plan, after further brief discussion, was adopted by the town on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. 9. The current pay scale was reviewed especially as to payment for a relief driver which had been set at $15/hr. Discussions were had that the current pay scale is low under the current economic circumstances. On a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion, an increase to $20/hr. was approved. 10. Due to mail issues, discussion was had to move the Town’s electric bill payment to an autopayment. A Dahlstrom/Crosby motion was approved for the Town Treasurer to make these autopayment arrangements. 11. Road Maintenance report by Mark Melton. He has been busy doing additional mowing, cutting and repair duties since there has been no snow to plow. It was also discussed that for the Swiss Chalet Road project, the Town’s project was selected as the #1 choice for Burnett County for the Tri program grant funds. The matter will next go through review at the district and state levels. 12. Discussion to adjust the LRIP funds of the Sand Road project. A Dahlstrom/Crosby motion was approved to adjust the LRIP fund on the Sand Road project. 13. Other Business: None. 14. Monthly correspondence reviewed. 15. Approval of monthly expenditures. Dahlstrom/Crosby motion to approve checks #10455 to #10467 in the amount of $108,881.08. Motion carried. 16. February 13, 2024 was set for the next Board Meeting. 17. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. *Esther & Jim Bernecker, Rudy & Sharon Kessler, Rose Manthe, and Diane Hulleman. Comments are closed.
January 2025