Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Duane Johnson. Others present were Supervisors Gary Crosby and Steve Dahlstrom, Treasurer Donna Meeds and Clerk Rochelle Becker. Also present were 6 town residents *. The minutes of the May 9, 2023 town board meeting were read and approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. Motion carried.
Board of Review minutes from the June 5, 2023 Board of Revue were read and approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. Motion carried. The Treasurers’ report was read and approved on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. Motion carried. Discussion and approval to take a $20,000 advance on our line of credit on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. Motion carried. There was discussion about the new brush mower and the need for a new attachment plate, Mark Melton will look into it. Crosby/Dalton made a motion to get a loan for $24,500. Motion carried. Liquor License renewal requests for The Thirsty Minnow and Scenic Campground were approved on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. Motion carried. Approval for the purchase of 700 stamps before price increases in July was approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. Motion carried. Discussion about increasing the price of gravel from the town gravel pit and a yard limit per year was discussed. A motion to set the price of gravel at $8.50/yd and a limit of 50 yards a year per residence was approved on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. Motion carried. Public comments: A resident brought up a request to address a property that has trash and junk in the ditch nearly to the road. Discussion about property owners’ rights and impingement on easements. Johnson will make inquiries with the Wisconsin Towns Association as to any precedent or responsibility for action. Road Maintenance report by Mark Melton, new rear tires are needed on the tractor. Monthly correspondence reviewed. Approval of monthly expenditures, motion to approve checks #10341 to #10358 in the amount of $18,039.64 on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. Motion carried July 11, 2023 was set for the next Board Meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm on a Dahlstrom/Johnson motion. Motion carried. Comments are closed.
January 2025