Town of Dewey November 14, 2023 Town Board Meeting Minutes 1. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chairman Duane Johnson. Others present were Supervisors Steve Dahlstrom and Gary Crosby, Treasurer Donna Meeds, and David Coon, Clerk. Also present were 9 town residents.* 2. All parties present were notified to turn off cellphones and other devices.
3. The Minutes of the October 10, 2023 meeting were approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. 4. Results of the action of Electors on the Levy were reviewed and the proposed 2024 Budget was approved on a Dahlstrom/Crosby motion. 5. The Treasurers’ report was read and, on a Dahlstrom/Johnson motion, was approved. 6. The Financial review was conducted. Discussion was had regarding November payment of 2023 shared revenue and the new supplemental shared revenue in 2024. 7. The Burnett County Comprehensive Plan was discussed. A subcommittee of Rudy Kessler, Sharon Kessler and Bret Iverson was appointed to review and report back regarding the Plan. 8. Public Comment: - Mark Melton was thanked for the good job of mowing along the roadways. - Discussion was had regarding the Budget of $54 million passed by Burnett County - Issues were discussed regarding the new jail, employment at the jail, and the separation of the jail and dispatch departments at the new facility, as well as utilization and cost savings of having additional space in the jail. 9. Road Maintenance report by Mark Melton. Work is being done to keep the roads smoothed out. Discussions were had regarding stock piling salt and sand with the costs of those increases. The cost to have the salt and sand delivered was reviewed, noting it may be cheaper for Mark to get those with the town’s new truck than pay for delivery. Town Hall Road at the bridge has re-opened after being cleared for use. It will likely still need to be replaced or repaired in the spring of 2024. Mark noted he has now finished mowing. Further discussion was had regarding whether the Town wants to get involved with delivery of gravel to residents for an additional fee. 10. Other Business: Further discussions as to gravel sales and payments. Currently, no invoiced amounts to add to the tax bills. 11. Monthly correspondence reviewed. 12. Approval of monthly expenditures. Motion by Dahlstrom to approve checks #10429 to #10440 in the amount of $8,702.53. Crosby seconded. Motion carried. 13. December 12, 2023 was set for the next Board Meeting. 14. Meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. Motion carried. *Mark & Nancy Melton, Esther & Jim Bernecker, Rudy & Sharon Kessler, Bret & Carol Iverson, and one other. Comments are closed.
January 2025