Town of Dewey October 10, 2023 Town Board Meeting Minutes 1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Duane Johnson. Others present were Supervisors Steve Dahlstrom and Gary Crosby (arrived 7:13 pm), Treasurer Donna Meeds, and David Coon, Clerk. Also present were 6 town residents.* 2. A Dahlstrom/Johnson motion was made to dispense with the reading minutes at the town board meetings, which was passed. The Minutes of the September 12, 2023 meeting were approved on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. Motion carried.
3. The Treasurers’ report was read and, on a Dahlstrom/Johnson motion, was approved. 4. The Financial review was conducted. Discussion was had as to unpaid gravel sales. Discussions were had to place such amounts due on the parties’ property tax and to charge 4% interest on outstanding balances. Passed on Dahlstrom/Johnson motion. 5. Public Comment: Discussions were had on the closure of the bridge on Town Hall Road and the length of the closure. It is possible that it could be a lengthy closure and could need several approvals. Clerk to contact fire and ambulance services about the closure. Car counter for Poquette Lake Road discussed. The County is having problems with their system. 6. Road Maintenance report by Mark Melton. About half of the mowing is done and will be finished soon. Some repairs and update are being completed on the new truck to get it ready. 7. Resolution to Exceed Levy: At the Town Meeting, residents and the board were favorable to exceeding the levy limits to pay for road equipment purchases, which have been made. Motion by Dahlstrom/Crosby to approve a Resolution to exceed the levy limits by $16,XXX, which is XX%. Resolution passed. 8. Monthly correspondence reviewed. 9. Approval of monthly expenditures. Motion by Dahlstrom to approve checks #10421 to #10428 in the amount of $11,890.71. Crosby seconded. Motion carried. 10. November 14, 2023 was set for the next Board Meeting. 11. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm on a Crosby/Dahlstrom motion. Motion carried. *Mark Melton, Esther & Jim Bernecker, Rudy & Sharon Kessler, Bret Iverson Comments are closed.
January 2025